The type of wounds caused by axes are much closer to those caused by swords than those caused by hammers, clubs or maces.

I'm sorry there is no such thing a chopping damage, sure you may use the term to try to show the different between the damage caused by a sword and an axe, but this game is not detailed enough to show such small differences. TLDR - "Bashing" is an adequate substitute for the lack of "Chopping". Also, axes aren't as 'clean' as a sword as their damage is around 50/50 blunt trauma and open wound. It's basically 6-8 axe blades mounted radially on the haft. Even your standard flanged mace which most RPGs classify as a blunt weapon is actually chopping. Axes wopuld be chopping, however this damage type doesn't exist in Blackguards (no idea about TDE).

Originally posted by Nergui:Most weapon damage can be categoirised as piercing, slashing, chopping and/or blunt.